Monday, November 25, 2019

Python meets data, Data Science and Oracle - a meetup

ביום שני , 2.12.2019 , במשרדי אורקל ברחוב אהרון ברט 18 פתח תקווה, יתקיים מיטאפ בנושא 
Python meets data, Data Science and Oracle

הנה הקישור להזמנה

הכנס מתחלק לשני חלקים שווים:
  • פייתון ונתונים
  • פייתון וdata science .
נדון ביישום שפת פייתון על נתונים בכלל ויישום יעיל של פייתון לעבודה עם בסיס נתונים אורקל. בחצי השני נדבר על יישום data science עם פייתון ובהמשך על הפתרון של אורקל ליישום data science עם פייתון בבסיס הנתונים אורקל.

מספר המקומות מוגבל, הקדימו להרשם.

9:00  התכנסות
9:30  פייתון ונתונים
10:15 יישום יעיל של פייתון עם בסיס נתונים אורקל
11:00 הפסקה
11:15 מבוא לdata science בפייתון
12:00 יישום פייתון לdata science עם בסיס נתונים אורקל

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Controlling the Aggregation by, in Oracle DV (Data Visualization)

In Oracle Data Visualization (DV) there i s a simple method to control the "by" parameter of Aggregation. See the short version and the longer one, with example.

Short Version

In the values tab in the properties, for your measure don't use the Auto aggregation method.

Change the Aggregation method to anything else (sum, avg....) and the BY option appears.

Now you can control the aggregation "by" feature of the measure.

Long Version

I had a data set with Customers income. Breaking the data by Regions I could see the difference of income between Regions:

I wanted to be sure that this is not because of significant variation of income between the Regions. I switched the Income to Avg. But nothing happened.

This is quite logical since the average is by Regions. I wanted to have an average for each Region by the income of every Customer in that Region. I can easily set the by parameter to Customer_Id and get the required result.


Sunday, November 10, 2019

OAC - Clearing server cache

The support note (OAC -Oracle Managed - How To Perform Clear Cache of OAC Instance (Doc ID 2436095.1)) explains how to clear cache in OAC. There is a little unclear point in the note so I will add an example.

There are 2 options in the note.The main solution in the note is to use ODBC procedures that can be used to purge all cache.

  We should go to OAC Analytics Console -> Issue SQL and use any one of the below based on the requirements.

  • SAPurgeCacheByQuery
  • SAPurgeCacheByTable
  • SAPurgeCacheByDatabase
  • SAPurgeAllCache
  • SAPurgeCacheBySubjectArea
  • SAPurgeCacheEntryByIDVector

 In the SQL window we don't run the command as is. Some more information can be found in Oracle On-Prem. docs, or blogs such as this one.

Two quick examples:

 SAPurgeAllCache - Purges all cache on BI Server. For example:

Call SAPurgeAllCache ()

SAPurgeCacheByTable - Purges cache of specific table. 
 Call SAPurgeCacheByTable( 'DBName', 'CatName', 'SchName', 'TabName' );
DBName and TabName cannot be null. from my experience, SchName should not be null as well.

For Example:

For the following definition in the RPD:


We can use:
call SAPurgeCacheByTable('ADW',,'SEM_A', 'DIM_COUNTRY');

Where we have the following response values of Result_Code:

1         - SAPurgeCache returns successfully.
59115 - Operation not performed because caching is not enabled.
59116 - The database specified does not exist.
59117 - The table specified does not exist.