Thursday, August 8, 2013

OBIEE - Dual Y axis line and Dual axis Bar charts: the easy, unsupported and not recommended way

I blogged about OBIEE and Dual Y line chart: OBIEE- Narrative and dual Y axis Google Chart
I blogged about OBIEE and Dual Y line chart: OBIEE - dual Y line chart / graph using Javascript
Yes, I blogged about OBIEE and Dual Y line / bar chart: OBIEE - dual Y bar using BI Publisher

It seems there is much easier, but not supported and not recommended way.

Create a Report with dual line bar chart:

In advanced Tab ->Analysis XML

In the line <saw:column measureType="y1" riserType="bar">
Change “bar” to “line”. Press Apply XML.

Everything seems to keep working fine:

You prefer dual axis Y bars? It’s on the house. Same solution, just change "line" to "bar".

Everything is fine if you don’t touch the measures in the bar or line part in the chart editor.
You did? You return to the Line / Bar chart.

Advantages: Built in, integrated, Printing works fine.
Disadvantages:  Not supported, it might stop working after an upgrade in the future. To the best of my knowledge; Each time you interfere in the XML, Oracle is not responsible for the results.


  1. This helped me. I also wanted to chage the linestyle of the line from default solid to Dashed. I tried it in xml but it errors out. What would be the linestyle for it. Please share if your thoughts.

  2. how would you only put on data marker on a bar-line chart? the default option for data markers "always" displays data markers for both line and bar chart
