Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Hackathon Posts - Autonomous DB and Python connection – without a Wallet

Few posts planned for use in expected Hackathons.

We want to use Oracle Autonomous DB (ADB) from Python. Preferably without need to worry about wallets.

Here are 2 links to Oracle documentation:

and a very nice blog by Oracle PM, Sharad Chandran R:

Below is the Connecting Python Without Wallet option guidelines:

 Install on the client oracledb for python connection to the DB: 

py -m pip install oracledb

if needed

python -m pip install oracledb --upgrade

Under Network of ADB update the Access type:

You can select “add my IP address” (or input addresses manually, separated by comma.)


If you prefer no security at all you can set CIDR Block with value


Next under the same Network entry in ADB, in Network / Mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication, Uncheck the "Required" check-mark.

In Python, copy the low connection string, from database connection, into the bellow described “cs” variable add ‘’’ before and after the connection as described below. Run the 3 script lines:


import oracledb


cs='''(description= (retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)('''


connection=oracledb.connect(user="DB_USER_NAME", password="USER_PASSWORD", dsn=cs)

The important part is the connection. 

As I said, we insert the value of Oracle connection string we copied to the cs variable.

For those who worry about hacking, the above described DB does not exist anymore.

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