Saturday, June 8, 2013

How to Google any column value from OBIEE

What is an easy thing to do for a OBIEE developer, that brings lots of happiness to end users? Add a link to Google. So users can Google (search) for the value in the cell.
For example, Click on Bluetooth Adaptor in the following analysis:
  and get the relevant Google window

If you know your way with OBIEE action, all you need to know is the recommended Google URL: that is slightly different from what you get by default from Google (for example I searched "hello"):,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.bGE&fp=f34ff85f33209633&biw=1600&bih=796
If that is not enough, lets show some more details how to achieve it:
Create an action in OBIEE:
 Select Navigate to Web Page:

Paste the URL

And Press "Define Parameters":

 Remove the "optional" mark for the parameter and save. I named my saved action "google".

How to use this action in an Analysis?
I created the above analysis and in the Products column properties -> interaction, selected Action Links as primary Interaction for value.
 Now I selected "Select existing Interaction":
And chose my "google" action.
There we can select the "column value" as the parameter value:
Select the relevant column:
and mark the "hidden" (and "fixed") options:
That is all.
And thanks to Nir for reminding me.


  1. good and useful


  2. This blog is an attempt to explore option of full-text catalog search.
