Monday, October 30, 2023

Oracle OCI Product Tours Page

 Oracle has a new (?) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Product Tours page: 


At the moment the Analytics section seems to be very active:

I like the links to the YouTube videos.

See if you find anything interesting there.

If you are here, this is a reminder of the Analytics Live Demos page: where you can run a live demo (see arrow), download useful elements (Examples, Extensions, Geo Layers and Rest Connectors), add your ideas in Idea Lab and see Videos.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Oracle (with or without APEX) - adding insert and update time and user to table

 We had an APEX project where  we wanted to add auto-generated key, and save both date/time and user that made the insert and last update.In Oracle, the basic idea is to use a trigger and (for the key) a sequence. 

I was sure I will find lots of examples, but didn't find one that seemed like perfect fit for me. So I got some help from my colleague Matan Poran, who has a rare combination of both great professionality and  personality. 

Lets start with this link:  

I will have here code for the following:

  • Adding the 4 "create/update time/user" columns to table.
  • Adding trigger that deals only with those 4 columns with Apex users.
  • Creating a sequence.
  • Adding trigger that deals with those 4 columns with Apex users and inserting the sequence based auto-generated key.

Modify "Your_Table" by adding 4 "create/update time/user" columns

alter table "YOUR_TABLE" add (
"UPDATED_BY" VARCHAR2(128)     );


Adding trigger that deals only with those 4 columns with Apex users

create or replace TRIGGER "Your_Trigger_Name"  
insert or update on "YOUR_TABLE
" --
for each row
    if inserting then
     end if;
     if UPDATING then
        :new.UPDATE_DATE := SYSDATE;
        :new.UPDATED_BY := nvl(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
    end if;

If you are not in an APEX case you can use your user definition. For example in Oracle SQL:

 create or replace TRIGGER "Your_Trigger_Name"  
insert or update on "YOUR_TABLE" --
for each row
    if inserting then
     end if;
     if UPDATING then
        :new.UPDATE_DATE := SYSDATE;
        :new.UPDATED_BY := trim(upper(user));
    end if;

 We can complicate it a bit. For example setting value for CREATED_BY only if the user wasn't updated manually:

 create or replace TRIGGER "Your_Trigger_Name"  
insert or update on "YOUR_TABLE" --
for each row
    if inserting then
            if :new.CREATED_BY is null then :new.CREATED_BY:=trim(upper(user)); end if;
     end if;
     if UPDATING then
        :new.UPDATE_DATE := SYSDATE;
        :new.UPDATED_BY := trim(upper(user));
    end if;


    Yes, this code works for multiple updates.

**    Please note that trigger names are case sensitive!



The following enhances the above code to include Auto-generated primary key based on sequence.


Creating a sequence

If you are in APEX you can create a sequence by using right click in sequences in Object Browser.

anyway the basic sequence code for creating the sequence named YOUR_TABLE_SEQ is:

create sequence "YOUR_TABLE_SEQ"
start with 1
increment by 1
cache 20

Adding trigger that deals with those 4 columns with Apex users and inserting the sequence based auto-generated key

Assuming there is a column KEY_COL used as primary key and you want the sequence to update it. I will use the previous sequence. 

All is needed is one extra row:

create or replace TRIGGER "Your_Trigger_Name"  
insert or update on "YOUR_TABLE
" --
for each row
    if inserting then 

            if :new.KEY_COL is null then :new.KEY_COL:=YOUR_TABLE_SEQ.nextval; end if;
     end if;
     if UPDATING then
        :new.UPDATE_DATE := SYSDATE;
        :new.UPDATED_BY := nvl(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user);
    end if;


Please note that sometime the sequence based key can be a security issue when used in URL (then, if security not hardened enough, user can try the next value in the URL). In APEX this is solved by using "Session State Protection", so generated link will also include a checksum. See more about it in the following Blog:

(In few words: Enable Session State Protection in shared components under security, on page level setting - security: for Page Access protection, set "Arguments Must Have Checksum".)

Monday, October 9, 2023

Oracle Analytics and AI services usefull links

 Oracle Cloud Analytics and AI services. 

Links to product page, Documentation page, API, CLI & Python SDK.

Few extras for some products, when relevant.

OCI Product Product Link Documentation API CLI Python SDK Extra
General link link link link link link
AI Services - Anomaly Detection link link link link link
AI Services - Digital Assistant link link link link SDKs for Mobile
AI Services - Document Understanding link link link link link
AI Services - Forecasting link

AI Services - Language  link link link link link
AI Services - Vision link *
AI Services -  Speech link
Analytics Cloud (OAC) link link link link link !
Generative AI link link link

Machine Learning in Oracle Database link link link link link **
OCI Data Labeling link link link link link ***
OCI Data Science Link link link link ****
OCI Data Science - ML pipelines link (pipelines) link
Fusion Analytics link link

*     AI Services - Vision

**   Machine Learning in Oracle Database OML4Py API

***  OCI Data Labeling Data Labeling Management API Data Labeling Service Dataplane
**** OCI Data Science ADS SDK ADS SDK CLI CONDA odsc CLI

!    OAC creating instances APIs              link